We are thrilled to work as your next, and preferred, Santee Kids Dentist. Here, at Children’s Braces and Dentistry, we work hard to guarantee the improvement of children’s smiles for generations. Dr. Surillo carries his over 20 years of experience wherever he goes, and alongside his team, he is determined to provide all patients who come into our office with the best dental care there is. We are just a short 10-minute drive away from Santee’s downtown through Route 125.
Santee Pediatric Dentistry
We are proud to offer you our dual-specialty care. Dr. Surillo has received extensive training as a pediatric dentist and as an orthodontist. So when you look for your next Santee Kids Dentist, you can trust we can cover all your needs. Some of the most common issues with children’s dental health, after problems with hygiene, are orthodontic.
When children’s primary teeth start growing, our first concern as dental health professionals and parents is to care for their hygiene. Properly brushing the teeth and teaching our children how to develop good habits are very important. But as children grow and their dental structures continue developing, you may notice with concern that permanent teeth or jaws appear to be malaligned. If this were the case, counting with the help of the same team who has cared for your child’s teeth from an early age is highly beneficial.
Kids have it tough when it comes to developing trusting relationships with their dentists, but finally finding one who your kid likes, and then leaving them for another office that does offer orthodontic treatment has to be even worse. Fortunately, we offer the city of Santee our expertise in general dentistry and orthodontics. Considering us as your next Santee Kids dentist will help your kid trust our team and make dental treatment much easier on them.
Our Santee kids dentist team
Some of the most amazing Registered Dental Assistants are part of our team here at Children’s Braces and Dentistry, and we aren’t just saying that. We wouldn’t spend so long in the same office if we didn’t like the people we work with, and we know you will feel the same enthusiasm when you walk into our office. Parents and kids like coming to our dental practice to receive treatment because we are a team you can trust to deliver the highest level of dental care, professionalism, and attention to younger patients.
Every patient’s journey is different, but we offer a range of options for your treatment. Coming to the office frequently ensures we provide proper care for the teeth of our younger patients. If your child suffers from severe dental decay, you can expect our team to be ready to perform pulpectomies of tooth extractions if there was such a need. And we service older patients with orthodontic problems through the use of orthodontic appliances like braces or aligners. You can be sure our team will thoroughly explain all options to you so you can make the best decision you can to care for your children’s teeth.
Where to find your Santee kids dentist
You just have to look a bit south on the map. Taking Route 125 from Santee’s downtown and into I-8W will lead you straight into El Cajon Blvd. Our office is in La Mesa Village Plaza, so from El Cajon Blvd. go left to Baltimore Dr. take a right into University Ave. and finally turn left at Allison Ave. You can also get more specific directions from your current location following this link.
Our opening hours are as follows:
Monday 8:00am – 5:00pm
Tuesday 8:00am – 5:00pm
Wednesday 8:00am – 5:00pm
Thursday 8:00am – 5:00pm
Friday 8:00am – 12:00pm
If you have any emergencies during a weekend, do not hesitate to contact us to check how we can help.
We hope to see you in the office soon, so remember that now Children’s Braces and Dentistry proudly serves as your next Santee kids dentist and schedule your next appointment with us.

- What do you need to know about pediatric dentistry?
As a parent, you should know that pediatric dentists are the best specialists who can look over your kids' dental development starting from infancy all the way up to their late teenage years when they turn 18. Pediatric dentists are trained to make children feel comfortable and safe; besides, they can help expecting parents know what to focus on so their kids have great oral health as they grow up.
- What is the main goal of pediatric dentistry?
Pediatric dentists have two main goals. First, they want to help young children have the best oral health possible, avoid tooth decay, and reach adulthood with a healthy smile. Second, pediatric dentists take great care to help children become acquainted with the dentist's setting to promote an understanding and respectful relationship that leads to better oral habits as the kid grows older.
- When should I schedule my child's first visit to the dentist?
Little kids should first visit an orthodontist around the time their first baby tooth erupts or when they turn a year old, whatever happens first. The idea is to ensure that teeth are erupting as expected and that we work on creating a dental home for your kid where they can feel safe and encouraged to give the required importance that oral hygiene and health should have.
- How is a pediatric dentist different from other dentists?
Unlike many other specialists, pediatric dentists, such as Dr. Surillo in Santee, have received additional training to make young patients feel comfortable and safe with their orthodontist. Additionally, pedodontists have specialized tools that make the treatment of developing dental structures much more comfortable for everyone involved, minimizing the risk of injury and increasing your kid's appreciation for dental care.
- How can I prepare my child for his first dental appointment?
This work begins at home. First of all, do your research and choose a specialist who can deliver age-appropriate care. Next, start talking to your child about the importance of oral care and how dentists can help them have a bright and beautiful smile. Also, as you help them develop a good oral care routine, you can talk to them about how visiting the orthodontist is basically the same, except there are fancier tools available. Your child will follow your example, so consider visiting the dentist frequently yourself.